Victorian Review

Victorian Review

The Victorian Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies welcomes submissions in all areas of Victorian studies. Our mandate is to publish the best international research in this interdisciplinary field, as well as to provide critical reviews of new books in Victorian studies by experts from around the world. Finally, our regular Victorian Review forum provides a unique venue in which diverse scholarly voices may address a topic from multiple points of view.

The journal began publication in 1972. It is published twice annually by Johns Hopkins University Press. The journal belongs to the Canadian Association of Learned Journals and follows its guidelines.

For more information about the journal, please visit the Victorian Review’s home page and be sure to check out the Victorian Review blog for the latest updates.

The Hamilton Prize

The Victorian Review invites submissions for the annual Hamilton Prize for the best graduate student essay in the field of Victorian Studies. The annual award honours the effort and achievements of Susan Hamilton, editor of Victorian Review from 2000 to 2006.

Essays should be 20-25 pages in length and should not have been previously published. The winner will receive an award of $500 (CAN) and publication of the essay in the Spring issue of the Victorian Review. The journal will also publish the names and essay titles of up to two runners-up in the Spring issue. The deadline for submissions will be June 30 of each year.

The winning essay will be selected according to the following criteria: contribution to Victorian studies; quality and originality; and style and clarity. The award will be judged by a four-member panel of the journal’s Advisory Board.

For more information about the Hamilton Prize, please visit the Victorian Review prizes.

The Surridge Prize

The Victorian Review Editorial Team is pleased to recognize excellence in Victorian scholarship with the Surridge Prize, formerly the Editor’s Prize, awarded annually to the best article published in the journal. The prize is valued at $500 (CAN). The winning article is selected by members of the Editorial Team and the winner is announced at the annual meeting of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada. All articles published in the journal in the year are considered in the Surridge Prize competition. The Surridge Prize is named in honour of the effort and achievements of Lisa Surridge, editor of the Victorian Review from 2007 to 2016.

For more information about the Surridge Prize, please visit the Victorian Review prizes.
